Motivated to Homestead

For the last seven years, it has been a dream of ours to own property.  We knew, once we bought property, that we would want to do great things.  Finally, we’ve purchased eight acres in the middle of Missouri and are officially getting the ball rolling towards our self-sustained homestead.  Not only do we plan on being able to survive off the land we work everyday, but we want to better our community and this planet, that has provided so much for us as a species.  I feel that this planet gets taken for granted and consumers have no clue where their food comes from or how much work was put into each vegetable on the dinner table.  We want to change that.


     Starting our homestead is going to be a lot of work.  After we have water and electricity situated, Summer will be just about ending.  We won’t be growing any vegetables this year.  However, we will be planning on lots of vegetables starting next year.  We will start right away composting and mulching the areas we plan on sewing next spring.  It takes time and careful planning to make sure our vegetables do their very best and yield enough for eating fresh, having vegetables to can for next winter and having a surplus to distribute throughout the community.


     This work, if done right, will be well worth it.  Even if we fail at one aspect of our garden, we will have learned something from it and can do better next time.  Organic fruits and vegetables are expensive and that motivates us more to grow our own.  We understand that nowadays no one really knows what they are serving up for dinner.  Between the preservatives in canned and frozen foods, to all the pesticides and nutrient-stripping processes our vegetables go through, it is getting more difficult to eat “healthy” everyday.  We want to work with what Mother Nature has given us and build a relationship with our land.


     Some of the most interesting aspects of homesteading are the relationships observed.  Not only will we be building relationships with everything we eat, there are exchanges within the homestead not many people think about.  Everything that we compost, from cardboard to dinner scraps, will eventually be put back to supply nutrients for our garden.  When we start our rabbit hutches, we will be using their waste to feed a community of earth worms, which in turn will supplement a snack for our chickens.  When we raise beef cattle, we will use everything, including fat for making soap, and skin for leather.  Everything on the homestead will have multiple purposes, to help each aspect of our food grow bigger and healthier.


     While our own food will be our main motivation for homesteading, we also know how important it is to keep this planet happy and growing.  Everyday we hear of new pesticides that are wiping out another species; bee and butterfly populations are dropping because of pesticides and herbicides being used.  A corn farmer wants to farm huge amounts of corn, and to do so they kill off the plants that the Monarch butterfly uses to breed and make its journey across the United States.  As a society, we don’t realize that everything we do for this year’s crops impacts what happens to next year’s crops.  And if we eradicate our bees and butterflies, there will be nothing left to pollinate the farmer’s corn fields next season.


      All of these motivators have brought us to the beginning of our homestead.  The fun begins, and who knows where this adventure will take us.  That’s kind of where homesteading is most interesting, not knowing how tomorrow will go, which areas on the homestead we will succeed at right away, the different trials and errors and learning everyday.  We are excited to start the process, and hope you plan on coming along for the ride.

     And, we want to hear from you.  Tell us about your homesteading dreams, urban gardens and backyard chickens.  What is your main motivator for growing your own food?  Comment here and find us on Facebook and YouTube (coming soon).

15 Comments Add yours

  1. nannygrannie says:

    I just have this need to grow my own food. I want to learn how things grow, what they need. I’ve started a garden this year and have already learned so much just by trial and error. It’s so thrilling to pull ACTUAL food from the soil. Great post!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We’ve just done small backyard gardens for six summers now a days completely agree. Watching everything, every step in the process, amazes me. I can watch small growth differences everyday, and nature amazes me. Every flower bud and seed sprouting is anot achievement and I can’t wait to do this on a larger scale next spring.

      Thanks for your comment! Good luck on your first garden. I want to know how everything turns out with your harvests!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. emmaherrick says:

    I totally agree! People have lost connection to their food source. Love your message and this post. Where are you located in Missouri? I am in Eureka!


    1. I will soon be in Douglas County, just East of the Mark Twain National Forrest. Almost three hours southwest from you. Just waiting on our Tiny House to be delivered!

      Thanks for your like and comment!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Absolutely love this! We’ve just sold our urban house and are moving interstate so we can finally buy the acreage we have talked and dreamed about for what seems like forever. So excited to get started. Congratulations on getting your land, can’t wait to see what you do with it!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks. I’ll be posting soon about our cabin. It was just delivered yesterday!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. mydeskisinafield says:

    I’ve recently quit my job with intentions of travelling around and working on smallholdings/homesteads. I’m finding hosts using an international charity called ‘Wwoof’. It’s basically a place where farm/homestead etc owners can connect with people who want to help on a farm and it’s a simple work exchange where the person does say six hours work five days a week in return for food and accommodation. It may benefit you guys to look into this if you haven’t already.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’ll keep that in mind. That’s very interesting. Have fun!


  5. I homestead in MO, too! It’s really satisfying to grow as much of our own food as possible. It’s a journey, isn’t it?


    1. We are just starting and it has been a journey already. But it is going to be worth every second.

      Liked by 2 people

  6. I really enjoyed this post, I thought it really touched upon permaculture principles in a very simple, easy to relate to manner. I just wanted you to know that I like this post so much that I am going to reblog it on my site. Thanks Lana

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Reblogged this on lifeoftheoriginalhortbabe and commented:
    This is an awesome post from Kraft Hillside Homestead! I read it and I just though about how simply it describes some permaculture priciples that all of us gardeners use everyday without thinking about how we are practicing permaculture.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. While at the pediatrician yesterday with my baby, I had to explain what a “real food diet” is to the nurse. So sad! We are in the process of hopefully getting some land. Cannot wait to have a huge garden, chickens, and someday goats. I want to know exactly what my family is eating, because I believe that eating things the way God intended is the key to overcoming so many modern illnesses. Thanks for the thoughtful post.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. You folks sound just like us! We have had this dream ourselves for the last few years as well. We’ve started our blog and just within the last couple of weeks signed the papers for our 18 acres that we are going to start prepping just after New Years. Keep up the great work and God bless you


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